Wood Advocate Featured in Woodworking Network Magazine

WWNCover-Oct20141Wood Advocate featured in the October 2014 edition of the Woodworking Network Magazine.  Click for the Digital Issue.


The secret to flat panels

Whether you are trying to restore a table with a warped top, figure out why your cabinet or passageway doors are warped, or you’re a woodworker looking to fine tune your projects, understanding what causes panels to warp and how to prevent it can be the difference between getting it done and getting it right.  When working with solid wood or plywood, preventing panel warp is possible.  Although solid wood and plywood have inherent differences the fundamentals are the same.  Panel warp can be caused by the materials, construction, processes, or environment. Continue reading

Characteristics of Wood: Pith Fleck, Turkey Tracks, and Glassworm

When reading or talking about wood, we run across technical terms and jargon. Some may be familiar to us and others may leave us wondering where they came from. Understanding these specific natural characteristics of wood can help us draw connections between the things we know and the things we have yet to learn. Continue reading